The Power of Writing Well

This short book condenses the habits and techniques—your tools—that work most of the time for most of the people who write at work and want to be happier in all parts of their lives: nothing more, nothing less. It is also a true and accurate reflection of my forty years of writing for business and of teaching writing at two prestigious universities and many professional societies and companies. You can trust that what I’m telling you will improve your abilities to communicate and think and make you more productive, promotable, and happy. It will also make your organization more efficient and profitable. I guarantee it, and my students attest to it.

Pete offers practical, useful tools that attendees of his classes and readers of his book can use immediately to improve their writing, speaking, and image as intelligent and insightful.” Matt Myers, Project Manager and Environmental Compliance Specialist, Michael Baker Corp.


Publication Date
May 1, 2015
Pete Geissler

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