This book can change the way you listen to BigShots—mostly businesspersons with a peak or two of politicians---as they pontificate for public consumption and personal gain. You’ll recognize the spin, that dastardly polite euphemism for lies that the advertising/PR folks coined years ago to anoint their profession with a bit of undeserved dignity. In the process, you might gain a more realistic grasp of what’s going on around you and how your mind is being manipulated, a.k.a. brainwashed. In all modesty, you’re in good hands, some would say the best, which could be considered bullshit in itself: Who decides?
Pete Geissler has written bullshit about bullshit, a rare and monumental feat for anyone other than a long-time practitioner. Read, laugh, cry, and resonate with an expert … all at the same time.” A reformed corporate exec and former perpetrator who prefers to hide his identity.