Want to be wealthier, happier, more articulate, and insightful? Want to move up the corporate ladder or become an entrepreneur? Want to enjoy life to the max? If so, you'll find immediately useful tips, hints, and guidelines in the 111 essays, and short stories in this collection by Pete Geissler, an author and professor who has flourished in academia and business and enjoyed every minute. He notes in his introduction: "I do not claim to be great in any sense ... Like many others, I strive today to be better than I was yesterday ... By 'better' I mean more financially secure--yes, money is important--but also, and equally important (I say with a healthy dose of idealism), I hope to be more ethical, more considerate, gentle, kind, generous, and just plain nicer to my fellows."
Life in the fast lane just got easier. Each of the 111 quoras, blogs, essays, and short stories in Sprinting is a hot tip for improving the quality of life for the upwardly mobile, those who want to be, and those who have arrived and want to stay. Reviewers applaud: "...a treasure chest of pithy aphorisms laced with exuberant wit and sardonic jocularity ... sound, timeless advice that will immediately enrich lives in meaningful ways... huge rewards await perceptive readers."