Why Pete? Why you? Advice from a Friend

I am not surprised that Pete Geissler's pithy ways to sprint from good to great connect being articulate—facility with the language—with wealth, happiness, and just plain enjoyment. He's been expressing his enthusiasm about those same topics for years in his books, blogs, Quoras, classes, and presentations.

I might say that Pete lives to add value to the lives of others.

Quite cheeky of him, eh? Who is he—or anyone, for that matter—to advise you on how to live your life? The answer is he doesn't, in this book or anywhere else. Instead, he exposes his lessons learned over six decades of a modestly comfortable life, and he does it in ways to which you can relate to your own lives as you see fit. If you extract a bit of helpful wisdom along the way, so much the better.

Pete does not expect you to agree with everything he says. In fact, he would be amazed and disappointed if you did. Nevertheless, perhaps you will agree with enough to think of this short book as money and time well spent.

I've known Pete for more than twenty years, first as a writer of marketing materials and later as an author, publisher, friend, and fellow lover of wine...

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